Monday, September 10, 2007

Day 1 Early Morning Thoughts

For two years (almost), I have looked forward to being here with Harley. It is so strange that now I'm here, and it isn't with Harley!

I wondered about taking Harley or Breezy--a sore horse I might not be able to work with, or "Old Reliable." I knew I could learn a lot with Breezy, yes, and likely have a great time, too...the least amount of stress.

Then, I realized that I should leave Harley home because of him being so sore. Set aside my selfishness. I realized the question was Dodger or Breezy. I settled on Breezy to make things easiest on myself and left a message for Melissa Pelletier (our trainer) who was scheduled to be at the clinic, too. Late the night before I was to leave, she called and said to absolutely, no question, bring DODGER.

Yesterday, I knew I needed to be able to not feel anxious. In my quiet time with watching the Beth Moore DVD on the book of Daniel in the bible, my fear was spoken to DIRECTLY. I needed to trust that God had a plan and that this is IT. Would I choose to go through my fear for the greater good of helping Dodger?

Then, I "randomly" read something in the book She Flies With Wings about a person regretting that she hadn't had the opportunity to see if there wasn't a prince trapped inside a troubled horse (or something like that)....if maybe somehow, some way, she could have helped set free the true nature of the horse if she had just...well...just something. That felt like a confirmation, too.

I planned on taking the Chicken Soup book with me to show Dodger's and Daniel's story to anyone who might want to know about it.

It came time to leave and I got Dodger. Bob held the door partway shut and there was hay in the trailer for the long ride. Dodger looked in the trailer and seemed present for it (we had worked on this with Melissa during the previous lesson). He seemed to ask me if I was certain about him having to get in. I took the halter off so there'd be no danger of him doing anything nutty in there (I am not sure he will tie ok) and then said "yes...go on..." I felt he was present and thinking. Of course, I wanted to think that...but he stepped on in and seemed settled.

As we headed up the road, Michaela my 13-year old daughter was my navigator and Bob and Daniel followed me (yes, the entire way) in Bob's car. I told Michaela I was disappointed I had left the Chicken Soup book behind! Well, she looked at me with the funniest expression...dumbfounded really. She said, "Look..." and reached down and pulled out the Chicken Soup book! How weird is that? She never takes that book anywhere...I felt like God had again confirmed the choice to take Dodger.

Just 10 minutes away from home, I looked at M. and said, "I've now gone twice as far hauling Dodger as I have ever gone!" It was a moment where I was delighted that I had pushed out of my comfort zone. God answered my prayers for peace to rest on me and on Dodger. Dodger was relatively quiet for the entire drive.

We got to Kim's (the clinic venue) and Melissa went in to the trailer, haltered Dodger and out they came like it was no big deal. He wasn't sweating. WOW! (I must admit to wondering about there a stress level that causes a horse NOT to be able to sweat???)

We put him in a 12x12 and he was calm but didn't seem in the least shut down. I wasn't sure if a 12x12 panel pen might concern him with his history.

Later, Gail Ivey arrived and we were able to turn Dodger and Jackpot out together in the turnout. They spent all night together out there. Jackpot is great, very steady, calm and surprised Dodger (I think) with how willing he was to get along. I am sure it helped that he was a Harley look alike, given Harley is Dodger's best friend.

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