Monday, September 10, 2007

Day 1 Notes at Bible Study with Ronnie Moyer

Ronnie, in his horsemanship, had to let go of his old view of colt-starting...lay a new foundation after all his life of assuming that he knew it all.

The same is true with our world view and our view of God.

With Ronnie, a little bit of understanding of a new way of doing things with horses has changed things (helped things) quite a lot.

We think we are making it and God may shake up life for us, not to us. Just like Harry has taught Ronnie that he does things for the horse, not to the horse. Like Harry raising dust for helping the horse find peace, contentment, relaxation, the dust had to fly. In a similar way, the Lord may stir up the dust a bit for our benefit not to hurt us.

Proverbs 1:2 - Discipline is getting one to desire to is the difference between the horse having to be with us vs. wanting to be with us.

Wisdom is the application of knowledge. Discipline is that process of "for" us, not "to" us. Proverbs 1:3 - If you get rid of truth, you have no standard.

Proverbs 1:7 - We can have a lot of knowledge, but it needs to be the right foundation. The fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom. People learn to distrust because people aren't trustworthy...then we take that approach and apply our distrust toward God.

Harry attempts not to merely draw the feet of the horse, but the mind of the horse. It may need to begin with a fear of sorts like that spoken of in Proverbs 1:7...In the round pen there might be enough that goes on to wake up the horse to the possibility that someone important is present, involved, interested, wanting interaction. Again...not to do anything TO the horse, but FOR the horse, ulimately.

God is in the business of helping those who are helpless NOT in "helping those who help themselves." Proverbs 3:5-7 says Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknoweldge him and he will direct your paths.

Let go of the baggage. Just as we ask our horses to do likewise and to trust us.

Embrace what God brings.

Trust is the strongest of all foundations, but, ironically, is also the most easily broken.

Man has always tried to put God in a box. In a similar way, our horses often assume they know what we bring to them...and put us in a box. Assume they know what we offer and depending on their experience, they may not want what they assume we offer.

We will talk more about submission...voluntary surrender of the will to another.

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